Friday, September 30, 2005


Today I quilted the face and added more hair, since it looked kind of whacked out the other way. I used the flesh colored thread that I quilted it with to cover the eyelid area a bit. I'm thinking of using the shiva paintsticks for shading. I have to add that my hair is actually a lot longer than this, but since I wasn't putting neck or shoulders, I didn't think it made any sense to make it longer. I've decided that I don't really like the original fabrics I chose to frame it, so I have to tweak that a bit.
We had a nice relaxing day today before I return to my weekend grind. I went for a long walk with Kai and really wore the starch out of her, which was good, because she was starting to get rambunctious. My youngest came home with his progress report and he is doing well in all of his classes! I had a feeling that middle school would agree with him more than grade school. His 5th grade teacher actually seemed to not really like him very much, and I think she was a little rough on him. This was very hard for him, since he has always been a "teacher's pet" sort of kid. Very friendly, very outgoing. This teacher made some very cutting remarks about him last year during a parent/teacher cutting that the other teacher and counselors were visibly uncomfortable about it. Anyway, it's nice to read things such as "pleasure to have in class" on his progress report, since it's been a long road for him with ADHD and medication changes, etc.
Next week, my Mom and I are doing a one day show in Hartford, CT. It is a show that is being run while there is a meeting of several guilds in the Greater Hartford Area. This is our 3rd year going, and it has usually been a very good venue. After that, it's the BIG one, The Gathering In Nashua, New Hampshire. We're really looking forward to that one, since we had a blast last year.

What does everyone think of the new designs? I got these textures from , which has an incredible wealth of stuff to make backgrounds and logos and stuff. There are a few more things I have to work on...the text doesn't work all that great on some of the backgrounds, and some are a little too busy, but I love the colors! I'm Outta here all, have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the new template, it looks nice!