Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The one where I finish my ugly bag and use my Blog for Evil

Little Knit Bag. Or...crazy preemie balaklava? hmm. Posted by Picasa

Times are really tough when I will go to the trouble of CLEANING to avoid making something! But, it was all for a good cause...I had to find buttons for a show I will be going to next month Stitches Through Time. We are vending at this show, and it looks like it is going to be a good one. If anyone is in the area, please come on down to see us! The details are in the link. Betty Pillsbury will be one of the instructors, and if you know about her, then you know that she is an incredibly gifted teacher, and a fun and inspiring person all around.

I finished quite a lot of my queer little orange and lime or mint? bag last night, and today while Keighley was at soccer practice. I am nearly at the bottom, and I love this part, because it is always so unpredictable. the bottoms of my bags always have this little "pooch" which reminds me of a nut or acorn, and it can be quite interesting because I never remember a pattern from one bag to the next, so they really are incredibly different. I'd say that Knitting is the one thing I've been able to do which I am able to let myself just wander free style. I never feel comfortable doing that with painting, or with drawing, with fabric, or beads, or anything else, really. I also went to Michael's today, got some gloss mod podge, a tree and some leaf stamps, and one of those gel ink pads with the black paper so that I can try to keep a sort of Journal, a la Lesley Riley, I suppose.

Kai's paw is doing MUCH better, and she's nearly walking without a limp, but still trying to bite at it, bad girl! She wants so badly to go and play with her buddies at daycare, so she's been frisking around, and the kittens seem almost jubilant giving their little haircuts a test run with this icky weather! That's the Stuff for today (yesterday?) I'll be back on again later on Tuesday to post what I get done, and then I am off to Mom's for all of Wednesday and probably Morrie's on Thursday to spend a day with the kids at the pool. I'll post some pics of the Great Embellishment packs that Mom and I will be Selling at Stitches Through Time Which, of course, I will make available to my blogging friends for a special discount! So, look up "The Linenlady" at Stitches Through Time which will be held at: The Colony, 51 Hartford Tnpk, Vernon, CT and mention "30 Days of DO" and receive a special discount or a gifty, a big hug, or a peek at my 989234 page "brag book" of Kitty/Puppy Pictures--HAHA! Ahh yes, now I feel bad that I have shamelessly promoted on my blog spot. BAD BAD BLOGGER! UNCLEAN! Gnight all!

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