Monday, October 17, 2005

Like You've Got Nothing Better To Do With Your Time

Hello All! Made it through another grueling 3 day workweekend, and now I'm ready to go! First things first, if you are into making postcards and/or mail art, there is a new email group that a friend of mine started. This one is going to be more liberal in terms of what you can send...if you want to send a QUILTED card, by all means, go ahead. If you want to send mostly paper with fiber elements, no problem. This subject came up and turned into a heated row on one of the fiber postcards list, thus prompting the offshoot group. I am hoping that this one will be a little less stiffnecked than some of the groups I have joined. Here is the button to go to the site, if you are interested
Click here to join mixedmediapostcards
Click to join Mixed Media Postcards!

Hope to see some of you there!

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